Selasa, 20 November 2012

cerita pendek berbahasa Inggris - Jono...Jono... What happend with you?

                   Jono...Jono...Jono What Happend with you?

One day, Jono was found a big wallet. He hasn’t known who is the owner  of  that wallet. While Jono taken it, Bobon the cendol vender accosted him…

Jono    : “ Wow, what a big-thick wallet is that! Surely, I must take it ! hehehe… what day is today? Until I got present from God”
Bobon  : “Hayo… what are you doing, Ono?”
Jono    : “ (Pick the wallet in his pocket) Ehe… Bob… don’t be startler, and if you want to shorten my name don’t say ‘Ono' it’s so countrified. Just say “Jhon”  it’s commensurate for cool people like me”
Bobon  : “Actually  I must say “wow” like that? Since when you’re cool? Just an unemployment like you!”
Jono     : “Actually, you must! Don’t mock me, it’s not good. It’s better than be a cendol-vender. Although I’m an unemployment but I had be a scholar, not like you just high school graduate.”

    And a squabble from two people just happened in Srikaya alley. Unexpectedly, a woman approached them…
A woman : “ Excuse me? Have you seen my purse? If I’m not  false, I’ve dropped it in this alley.”
Jono        : “ ehe? A purse? Like what?”
A woman : “It’s big and looks  thick, the colour is bright brown and in it there is my drive license card and some all mine goods”
Jono also was thinking about a big-thick purse his found. But, if Jono give it back to her, would she gave Jono a present for founding her purse? So, Jono taken a wrong measure…
Jono        : “Oh, I’m sorry madam. Since I’m walking this way, I don’t see any  purse like you looking for.”
Bobon      : “Ehm, well madam. I don’t see one like it but maybe if I found yours, I’ll bring it back to you. Just let me know your phone number, so I can call you to bring it back.”
A woman  : “Surely, well this is my identity card, phone number and address all in there. Thanks for looking my purse.”
Bobon       : “Sure, with pleasure madam Vivi.”

Jono was flare up for see what ‘goods’ in that purse…
Jono         : “W…O…W WOW?! A big-thick purse just drive lisence card, cash money just Rp5.000.- what the world said? And what is this? And just  some unusual remedy. I think she is a rich person, but the contents in her purse not describe her appearance well. It’s not usefull to me (and Jono trow that purse)”

Then, Bobon taken that purse… and next day, Bobon  called
Bobon      : “Oh, Jono. Why you must lie? Your  scholar is not describe your attitude, I’m so shy to be your friend.”
#in call
Bobon      : “Good afternoon, Miss. Vivi. I’m Bobon, I’ve got your purse like you want.”
Miss. Vivi  : “Oh, Bobon, I see. Well, if you don’t  busy, would you like to bring it to my house? You known my address, haven’t you?”
Bobon       : “Ok, with pleasure madam. Maybe I will arrive in your house at 02.30 pm.”
Miss. Vivi   : “Ok, see you soon.”

And Bobon go to Miss. Vivi’s house to bring back her purse…
Bobon        : “Wow,  what a big one! She must be a rich person. A spade, a spade! Miss. Vivi, are you home?”
Miss. Vivi    : “Oh, Bobon. Come in. please get a sit, make sure like in your home.”
Bobon         : “Thank you, well this is your purse, big-thick-bright brown purse like you’re looking for.”
Miss. Vivi    : “ Oh, thank you. Ehm… still like the first time  I  miss it. Well  this is a honor to you.”
Bobon         : “ oh, Madam. I’m not proper to get it. I’ve a recognition for you… actually, my friend is the first founder of your purse, but he  has lied to you.”
Miss. Vivi    : “lied to me? Oh, your friend is the boy who  in the same alley with you yesterday?”
Bobon        : “yes, he is. I’m so regret what he did. I hope you would forgive him.”
Miss. Vivi    : “oh, what a good person you’re. ok, I do. So, would you like to tell me, what job is you?”
Bobon        : “ehe… i just ‘Bobon the cendol vender’.”
Miss. Vivi    : “well, bobon… I think you’re a person who I wanted, I’ve a hotel near  where we met for the  first time.”
Bobon         : “me? What’s the matter?”
Miss. Vivi     : “I need a cendol-maker to be my staff in hotel café… more people love cendol in summer time, isn’t it?”
Bobon          : “really?  my job more be better, Ok  I’ll take it..”
Miss. Vivi      : “that’s a wise choice”

Then Bobon finnaly find his happiness and Jono still be an unemployment…
Jono             : “why? Must Bobon get a job… it’s surely must be mine (gubrakk)”

Jono… jono… what happened with you???????

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